
1968 [ITALIAN]

Action / Drama / History / War

Rotten Tomatoes Critics - Certified Fresh 67% · 6 reviews
Rotten Tomatoes Audience - Spilled 42% · 1K ratings
IMDb Rating 6.0/10 10 3791 3.8K

Plot summary

American troops land unopposed on Italian beaches during World War II, but instead of pushing on to Rome, they dig in and the Germans fight back ferociously.

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February 28, 2021 at 07:14 PM


Top cast

Peter Falk as Cpl. Jack Rabinoff
Robert Mitchum as Dick Ennis
Arthur Franz as Maj. Gen. Luke Howard
Mark Damon as Wally Richardson
720p.WEB 1080p.WEB
1.05 GB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 57 min
Seeds 4
1.96 GB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 57 min
Seeds 4

Movie Reviews

Reviewed by Theo Robertson 5 / 10

Uneven War Movie

It's always a bad sign when a film's theme tune sounds nothing like the genre it's claiming to be . THE BAT for example features a funky jazz tune and boy was that film a pile of rodent droppings and alarm bells started ringing when the opening credits of ANZIO started where a war weary corespondent played a very possibly drunk Robert Mitchum marched through a military HQ to the sounds of a Frank Sinatra style swing song ! Yeah there's nothing quite like a war film to get you on your feet grooving away , bah bah bah bah bah bah bah

ANZIO isn't an awful film but it's far from being a great one either with the script being the major problem . It opens one of those light hearted scenes of with over paid , over sexed and over confident US soldiers that we've seen far too many times before . I guess it's supposed to be amusing but it's not . Eventually the film lives up to its title and shows us what went wrong at the Anzio landings with the American generals Clark and Lucas not driving inland quick enough . This is a fairly good history lesson since it paints a fairly poor picture of American leadership in Italy . Remember in SAVING PRIVATE RYAN , BAND OF BROTHERS and A BRIDGE TOO FAR Monty is painted as possibly the most incompetent allied General of the war ? This was nothing compared to the ridiculous mistakes made by Clark and Lucas during the Italian campaign , though somewhat cowardly this film renames Clark as " Carson " and Lucas as " Lewis " which is a great pity because a history student could do worse than watch this film , though if they did they'd notice like a great number of war films made during this period ( BATTLE OF THE BULGE is a good example ) that both German and American tanks are from a different generation but the Anzio landings here are more accurate than the ones seen in PINK FLOYD THE WALL

After this the narrative then sadly settles down into a straightforward war film where the action could basically have taken place anywhere like France or the Phillipines where a bunch of GIs are surrounded by the enemy and have to make it back to enemy lines . As many people have pointed out on these pages the script is rather unfocused and slightly disjointed and I had a gut feeling that some of it ended up on the cutting room floor , for example we see the platoon escape from a house at night and almost immediately after the platoon are trapped by some German snipers in the middle of the day , though to be honest this isn't a movie that is afraid to kill off characters so deserves some credit alongside the historical accuracy

Reviewed by Leofwine_draca 3 / 10

Plodding misfire of a war flick

THE BATTLE FOR ANZIO is about as unexciting a war epic as you can get: an overblown (produced by Dino de Laurentiis), overlong US-Italian co-production, it fails to ignite the screen with any kind of energy, excitement or drive despite dealing with an interesting theatre of the Second World War. The first third is particularly gruelling, an almost plot less introduction to the leading characters before they head off to war, full of drunken partying and over-running scenes of people flirting and talking, all portrayed in the most boring way possible. Once we arrive in Italy, the next two thirds quickly change and the film degenerates into yet another men-on-a-mission type flick of which the Italians were so fond in the wake of THE DIRTY DOZEN.

I was a little surprised to find out that such a supposedly epic film had turned into the usual low key story concerning guys trapped behind enemy lines. The budget isn't very evident anyway, with disappointing set-piece battles and only a few shoot-outs that manage to raise the pulse. The script is rather sub-par, throwing in the usual anti-war messages yet topping off with a cheesy happy ending in any case, and many of the characters are interchangeable aside from the leading duo. The young actors (Thomas Hunter, Giancarlo Giannini, Mark Damon, Anthony Steel) don't have a chance to shine and pointless cameos from the likes of Arthur Kennedy fail to register. Bob Mitchum and Peter Falk are typically good value for money but they're given particularly dull characters to work with here. THE BATTLE FOR ANZIO is definitely a war film that deserves to be forgotten.

Reviewed by MartinHafer 4 / 10

The film ALMOST got me to care.....almost.

While the title to this film is "Anzio", it isn't exactly the famous Battle of Anzio. The battle resulted in 30,000 American casualties--so it was a HUGE battle. But, in this film it's only a battle of a few dozen against a few dozen--and it's really not THE battle of Anzio--it's A battle at Anzio! Now this might have worked, but the film really never kept my attention.

The main characters in this film are Robert Mitchum (as a war correspondent), Peter Falk and Earl Holliman. All three are in a group of soldiers who are in the advance of an invasion of American soldiers in Italy during WWII. But what most of the film is is just just seeing these small group of soldiers fighting and dying...and nothing else. You get no sense of who won the battle, why the battle was fought or of the enemy--just faceless folks shooting at each other and folks dying. Despite these talented men in the leads, the film just never amounted to anything but watching guys die.

Curiously uninvolving and not particularly interesting. This film needed a better script and some reason to exist.

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