A Cat in Paris

2010 [FRENCH]

Action / Adventure / Animation / Comedy / Crime / Family

IMDb Rating 6.9/10 10 11937 11.9K

Plot summary

A thrilling mystery that unfurls in the alleys and on the rooftops of the French capital, Paris, over the course of one adventurous evening.

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December 08, 2020 at 08:04 PM

Top cast

Anjelica Huston as Claudine
Matthew Modine as Lucas
Steve Blum as Nico
720p.BLU 1080p.BLU
592.75 MB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 4 min
Seeds 4
1.19 GB
English 5.1
23.976 fps
1 hr 4 min
Seeds 6

Movie Reviews

Reviewed by zetes 7 / 10

Nothing revolutionary, but quite pleasant

The least familiar of the 2011 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, this is a French film (originally just titled A Cat's Life) made with traditional animation. The style is similar to some other recent foreign animated features like The Secret of Kells and Persepolis, with a lot of exaggerated backgrounds and simply designed characters (sometimes they even look like figures from Picasso's cubist period). The best thing about the film is its beautiful use of colors, which are truly stunning. The film is always a joy to look at. Story-wise, though, it's nothing too special. It's a basic crime film spoof. The titular cat leads a double life, living with a young girl during the day but venturing out with a cat burglar neighbor at night. The girl's father, a police officer, has recently been killed by a gangster, and now her mother, also a police officer, is on the gangster's trail. Eventually the girl, being chased by the gangster, is aided by the cat burglar. The villain is pretty dull. In fact, most of the characters are pretty uninteresting, with the possible exception of the burglar, whose nimble acrobatics are fun to watch. It doesn't even run 70 minutes, though, so its pleasures definitely outweigh its flaws by the end. It's well worth checking out if you're an animation fan.

Reviewed by TheLittleSongbird 8 / 10

A Cat in Paris

I found A Cat in Paris to be a very good film. Although it is rather short, perhaps too short, it is very well animated with ethereal colours, beautiful sceneries and a fantastic atmosphere that is both thrilling and nostalgic. I agree however that how tiny the feet were drawn was a form of annoyance. The music was both haunting and charming, almost like listening to a score by Bernard Hermann. The story is not the most original story in the world, but I didn't see it as a bad thing, seeing how slickly paced, vivid, affecting and humorous A Cat in Paris was. The characters also engage, with the best being the title character, a strutting observant sort of cat, and the little girl who is sweet and moving, and the voice acting is dynamic enough too. In conclusion, a very good film. 8/10 Bethany Cox

Reviewed by MartinHafer 5 / 10

It must have been a very slow Oscar year for animated features.

I'll cut to the chase. "A Cat of Paris" was Oscar-nominated in one of the worst years in recent memories for the category of Best Animated Feature. Considering that the mediocre (at best) film "Rango" won and films like "Puss 'n Boots" and "Kung Fu Panda 2" were also nominated, I think I can rest my case. "A Cat of Paris" is really no better and is a film I could have skipped.

The movie is told using a very simple looking animation style and looks a bit like another nominee that year, "Chico and Rita". The drawings appear a bit crude and the film has a very non-Hollywood look. Some might like it--I just thought it looked less than Oscar- worthy. Now it it NOT because I expect all animated films to look like Disney, Pixar or Dreamworks films--but I would have expected for with an Oscar nominee.

The story is about a cat who spends its days living with a mute little girl. However, at night when she sleeps, it slips out and hangs with a thief with a heart of gold (a bad cliché, I admit). Later, when the child is caught up with a vicious group of gangsters, the thief and cat come to her rescue.

I found myself only moderately interested in the film. It's not bad but it wasn't particularly inspired. I think had it NOT been nominated, I actually would have enjoyed it more, as my expectations were awfully high but the film couldn't match them. Additionally, I was a bit surprised how nasty and scary the gangsters were, as it seems a bit too much for younger viewers--which is unusual for a cartoon.

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